Marcas de amor

Marcas de amor

Marcas de amor

[Una reflexión sobre la violencia doméstica]

[Spanish | English Subtitles]

A little girl, socialized into a culture of domestic violence acceptance and perpetuity, dreams big about her marriage

Una niña se socializa en una cultura de aceptación y perpetuidad de la violencia doméstica. sueña en grande con su matrimonio


Cuando mi papá va a trabajar, los mira en el espejo y llora.

Luego me pide que los cubra con maquillaje
Tengo que tener mucho cuidado porque le duele

“Marcas del amor” las llama.
Están por todas partes
En su cuello, sus manos, su cara
Papá se las da

A veces después de solpear la televisión ..
.. o cuando la comida sabe rara

“Él lo hace porque me quiere” dice ella

Yo le pregunto si el amor tiene que doler?

Y ella dice “haces demasiadas preguntas”

Cuando sale a calle, se pone una bufanda alrededor de sucuello.
y gafas de sol para cubrir las marcas de alrededor de sus ojos
Está preciosa …

Cuando me caso, le daré marcas de amor a mi marido
Espero que tengamos una televisión bien grande para que yo aplastara.poder golpearla

Una que sea tan grande como mi amor por él

Ebele Okoye
Mayo de 2017

Jessica Poveda

Die Liebe in den Zeiten der EU

Die Liebe in den Zeiten der EU

Die Liebe in den Zeiten der EU

[Love in the age of the EU]

SUMMARY (Director’s Interpretation)
Sometimes, we are like marionettes in the hands of those whom we have either consciously or
unconsciously chosen to please.
A visual adaptation of the poem “Die Liebe in den Zeiten der EU” by the German poet Björn Kuhligk.
More below the video


Each time during the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, the Haus für Poesie Berlin sends out poems to film makers and asks them to interpret them visually.
This piece was done in the same constellation in 2014 and took the first place out of all the entries.

Poem: Björn Kuhligk
Script/ Direction/Animation: Ebele Okoye
Sound Design / Production Germany: Ebele Okoye
Producer Nigeria: Shrinkfish Ltd.
Year of Production: 2014
Language: German with English Subtitles

– 7. ZEBRA Poetry film Festival Berlin; Oct 2014
– Special Selection (Panorama 2) FILMFEST DRESDEN 2015
– International Film Festival of Lanzarote (FICL) 2015
– International Short Film Festival Tabor, 2015
– Africa Internationa Film Festival, Lagos, 2015
– Bogotá International Film Festival for Human Rights , 2015
– Calpabio Cinema , 2015
– Internacional de Experimentación CINETORO, 2015
– Afrikafest Leuwen, 2015
– Västerås Filmfestival, 2016
– Afrykamera Poland, 2016
– XIII Shortfilms Against Racism, Madrid, 2016
– 8ª Festival Internacional de Experimentación CINETORO, Colombia 2016
– 8ª Festival International de Cine Invisible, Film Sozialak, Bilbao, 2016

POEM TRANSCRIPT -German & English

“Die Liebe in den Zeiten der EU”
//Original German text by Björn Kuhligk//

Wie ein Grenzschutz wieder
eine Linie zieht, das muß, es
darf geschossen werden, das
muß, das darf gefilmt werden

wie erdfremd dieser Kontinent
mit Sternchen am Revers, wie der
die Abwehr aufbaut, Mutti macht
noch schnell den Abwasch

als im Süden die ersten Turnschuhe
angespült wurden, später zwei, drei
Zweibeiner gefischt wurden, das muß
es darf zurückgefeuert werden

© Berlin Verlag
Published: 2005, Berlin Verlag
ISBN: 3-8270-0584-1

“Love In The Age Of The EU”
//English Translation by Catherine Hales//

As a border patrolman draws
a line again, shooting is necessary,
is permitted, filming
is necessary, is permitted

how unworldly this continent
with little stars on its lapels, how it
builds up its defences, Mummy
quickly does the washing up

when the first sneakers were washed
up in the south, later two, three bipeds
were fished out, firing back
is necessary, is permitted




A hungry acrchitect employs tricks to catch a mouse which destroyed his drawings but the mouse has ideas too.

This idea was developed in a flash during the Animation postgraduate course at the International Film School intended towards being part of the graduation project in 2004.
Eventually, it was put away to be revisited years later as an entry for the “Going Underground” Subway Short Film Competition in Berlin 2007. The rough idea did not “go underground” but the final version (seen here) made other festivals with its first screening at the “Made for Mobile Awards”, Cologne 2008

Director/Animator/Producer: Ebele Okoye | Musician: Florian Erlbeck

Technique: 2D Computer Animation | Length: 02:30 Mins | Format: Digi BETA, MiniDV, DVD | Ratio: 4:3 | Image: Colour | Countryof Production: Germany | Year of Production: 2008

-Made for Mobile Awards, Cologne 2008/ Winner: Audience Award
-ION International Film Festival Port Harcurt ’09
-Pan African Film and Arts Festival California 2010
-Tricky Women Animation Festival Vienna, Austria, 2010
-ANIMAFRIK Animation Frstival, Accra Ghana 2010
-Animae Caribe Animation and New Media Festival, Trinidada 2010
-9th Festival of Animation Film Olomouc ,2010


Die Verrückte [The Lunatic]

Die Verrückte [The Lunatic]


[German with English Subtitles]

[English Version Below]

My first official animation, this piece premiered at the Filmfest Dresden in 2007. Later in 2008, it was entered as the FIRST AND ONLY animation at the Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) thus got the honourable mention.

It was written and discarded by best friend and my then flatmate, the German Author Simone Kanter (who is still convinced it was a horrible piece whereas for me, it was the stepping stone into life as an indeie animator.)
I also had the priviledge of having Rita Ringheanu, the most sought after female VO artist in Germany to speak the original German version.
It later ran at the DOK Lepzig amongst other prestigious festivals




The search for “greener pastures” turns out to be the beginning of a new awareness.

In 2006, I won the DEFA Research Prize for Animation. The prize was aimed towards facilitating the preproduction phase of an Animation co-production with Estonia titled “Feet Voters” As circumstantially “Feet Voters” met an extensive stall with minimal or absolutely no signs of getting realized, I interpreted my own ideas of the project into “Patterns”