Marcas de amor

Marcas de amor

Marcas de amor

[Una reflexión sobre la violencia doméstica]

[Spanish | English Subtitles]

A little girl, socialized into a culture of domestic violence acceptance and perpetuity, dreams big about her marriage

Una niña se socializa en una cultura de aceptación y perpetuidad de la violencia doméstica. sueña en grande con su matrimonio


Cuando mi papá va a trabajar, los mira en el espejo y llora.

Luego me pide que los cubra con maquillaje
Tengo que tener mucho cuidado porque le duele

“Marcas del amor” las llama.
Están por todas partes
En su cuello, sus manos, su cara
Papá se las da

A veces después de solpear la televisión ..
.. o cuando la comida sabe rara

“Él lo hace porque me quiere” dice ella

Yo le pregunto si el amor tiene que doler?

Y ella dice “haces demasiadas preguntas”

Cuando sale a calle, se pone una bufanda alrededor de sucuello.
y gafas de sol para cubrir las marcas de alrededor de sus ojos
Está preciosa …

Cuando me caso, le daré marcas de amor a mi marido
Espero que tengamos una televisión bien grande para que yo aplastara.poder golpearla

Una que sea tan grande como mi amor por él

Ebele Okoye
Mayo de 2017

Jessica Poveda

AFRIFF Promo Animation

AFRIFF Promo Animation


I made this promotional clip as a support for the maiden edition of the Africa International Filom Festival AFRIFF in 2010.
Later in November 2018, I refurbished it for them wnd it was a joy to see this on the huge stage as a backdrop during the Globe Awards

On 6th of March 2010, “Hafeez Oluwa”, a then medical student and a poet who just connected with me on Facebook approached me a plea. He had written a piece for the International women’s day and wanted it animated so he could present it at the celebration on the 8th in his university.
I could not say no!
That was how I anmated for 16 hours nonstop to upload, with enough buffer time for download as the Nigerian internet was still in the stone age those days.
Hafeez and I have worked together ever since then.

Fast forward to 2016, This piece got STOLEN by the Africa Movie Channel and got broadcast in their Pay TV without my consent or notification. The case is still pending!

Au beau milieu de la lourde famine et la détresse qui sont tombés sur sa communauté isolée, un fermier ose
implorer les cieux pour de l’aide, mais ce qu’il reçoit est loin de ce qu’il attendait.

Format: Digi BETA, Beta SP, MiniDV, DVD, Digital Files
Ratio: 16:9
Image: Colour
Length: 06:00 Mins
Technique: 2D Computer Animation
Countries of Production: Nigeria / Germany/
Year of Production: 2010

Script: Hafeez Oluwa
Director: Ebele Okoye
Musician: Davide A. Bianchini
Sound Design: Ebele Okoye
Animation: Ebele Okoye
Producer: Shrinkfish Ltd.. Nigeria
Co producer: Ebele Okoye

SCREENINGS/AWARDS /Stand June 30 2011
‐ 2é Fórum De Cinema De Curta Metragem, Kugoma, Mozambique, June 2011
‐ International Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart 2011 (Progrmme: African Animation)
‐ Affrika Film Festival, Leuven, Belgium, April 2011
‐ CinemAfrica Stockholm Sweden, March 2011
‐ Be There! Corfu Animation Festival, Greece, 2011
‐ Heart of Gold International Film Festival, Gympie, Australia 2011
‐ 9th Festival of Animation Film Olomouc ,Dec 2010
‐ 22 Festival de Cortometrajes de Aguilar de Campoo, Spain, Dec 2010
‐ Animae Caribe Animation & Media Festival Trinidad, Nov 2010 / Most Outstanding Animation
‐ Ourense Intenational Film Festival, Spain Oct 2010
‐ Silicon Valley African Film Festival, California 2010, Oct / Best Animation Film
‐ Africa In Motion Film Festival Edinburgh UK, Oct 2010
‐ Capalbio Cinema Rome Italy, Oct 2010
‐ ANIMAFRIK Animaton Festival Accra Ghana, Aug. 2010 (World premiere) / Best African Diaspora Animation

The Essence

The Essence


As stolen and broadcast on pay TV by the Africa Movie Channel in 2016

SYNOPSIS (English)
Amidst the heavy famine and distress which have befallen his isolated community, a farmer dares to cry to the
heavens for help but what he receives is far from what he was expecting.

On 6th of March 2010, “Hafeez Oluwa”, a then medical student and a poet who just connected with me on Facebook approached me a plea. He had written a piece for the International women’s day and wanted it animated so he could present it at the celebration on the 8th in his university.
I could not say no!
That was how I anmated for 16 hours nonstop to upload, with enough buffer time for download as the Nigerian internet was still in the stone age those days.
Hafeez and I have worked together ever since then.

Fast forward to 2016, This piece got STOLEN by the Africa Movie Channel and got broadcast in their Pay TV without my consent or notification. The case is still pending!

Au beau milieu de la lourde famine et la détresse qui sont tombés sur sa communauté isolée, un fermier ose
implorer les cieux pour de l’aide, mais ce qu’il reçoit est loin de ce qu’il attendait.

Format: Digi BETA, Beta SP, MiniDV, DVD, Digital Files
Ratio: 16:9
Image: Colour
Length: 06:00 Mins
Technique: 2D Computer Animation
Countries of Production: Nigeria / Germany/
Year of Production: 2010

Script: Hafeez Oluwa
Director: Ebele Okoye
Musician: Davide A. Bianchini
Sound Design: Ebele Okoye
Animation: Ebele Okoye
Producer: Shrinkfish Ltd.. Nigeria
Co producer: Ebele Okoye

SCREENINGS/AWARDS /Stand June 30 2011
‐ 2é Fórum De Cinema De Curta Metragem, Kugoma, Mozambique, June 2011
‐ International Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart 2011 (Progrmme: African Animation)
‐ Affrika Film Festival, Leuven, Belgium, April 2011
‐ CinemAfrica Stockholm Sweden, March 2011
‐ Be There! Corfu Animation Festival, Greece, 2011
‐ Heart of Gold International Film Festival, Gympie, Australia 2011
‐ 9th Festival of Animation Film Olomouc ,Dec 2010
‐ 22 Festival de Cortometrajes de Aguilar de Campoo, Spain, Dec 2010
‐ Animae Caribe Animation & Media Festival Trinidad, Nov 2010 / Most Outstanding Animation
‐ Ourense Intenational Film Festival, Spain Oct 2010
‐ Silicon Valley African Film Festival, California 2010, Oct / Best Animation Film
‐ Africa In Motion Film Festival Edinburgh UK, Oct 2010
‐ Capalbio Cinema Rome Italy, Oct 2010
‐ ANIMAFRIK Animaton Festival Accra Ghana, Aug. 2010 (World premiere) / Best African Diaspora Animation