This is my very first creation in Virtual reality after setting up my gear. 20 minutes of curiosity that turned out satisfying
This is my very first creation in Virtual reality after setting up my gear. 20 minutes of curiosity that turned out satisfying
Four totally satisfying hours spent in Quill.
My first attempt at a cityscape and happy to have acheved exactly the abstract look I had in mind.
I am positively shocked at the production
A short clip to commemorate the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2019.
A man slips while descending the stairs and falls wrongly, but actually correctly.
I wrote the poem of same title as an exploration of the illogical as an abstract form of logical expression.
World premiere was at DOK Leipzig 2016 under “New German Animations”
A man slips while descending the stairs and falls wrongly, but actually correctly..
From the fiddle-faddle poem of same title written by Ebele Okoye “The Man Who
Fell Up” explores the illogical as an abstract form of logical expression.
Length: 02:00 Mins
Technique: 2D Animation
Language: English
Countries of Production. Germany/Nigeria
Year of Production: 2016
Format: DVD, BluRay, Digital Files
Ratio: 1,75
Image: Black &White
Script: Ebele Okoye
Director: Ebele Okoye
Animation: Ebele Okoye
Narator: Darren Dean
I have heard many a stories
Of different categories
But this one quite silly
Tells of a man named Philly
Who in descent of the stairs
Of a house with two rooms upstairs
Slipped on a piece of crepe
Which the stair edge did drape
You would think downwards he fell
Like any other would tell
But alas! Gravity had suffered a bit of dementia
And upwards Philly fell, devoid of inertia
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