Hello and Welcome!
My name is Ebele Okoye, otherwise Omenka Ulonka @omenkaulonka. I am a multidisciplinary artist and filmmaker resident in Berlin.
I started as a painter, cartoonist and media designer before pursuing Animation in which I’ve been working independently since 2006.
The journey hasn’t been easy. Nevertheless, I’m lucky to have had encouraging awards -like the Africa Movie Academy Awards (twice), Ritter Sport Prize, DEFA research prize, Robert Bosch Foundation promotional prize for Animation and the “Redefreiheit” of Amnesty International-
bestowed on some works of mine. Details are in my CV
In 2009 and 2013, respectively, I founded The Animation Club Africa and Shrinkfish Media Lab, (smedLAB) the first ever Animation training initiative in Nigeria
I still work as a web designer, while also running the wearable art label “Ulonka Berlin®”
In January 2019, I started animating in virtual reality (VR), a fantastic expereince.
Do feel free to check out the works in the ANIMATIONS section
The site is being redone but all links lead to interesting places.